Hi! :) My name is Ashlee. Call me Ash. I am 11 years old. Born on Jan 9, 2001 on a Tuesday. I am a Filipina and PROUD. I am homeschooled and I really wish I could go back to school. But I'm thankful. Really thankful.

I made this page not for me but for other girls EVERYWHERE.

My family and friends say I'm way more mature for my age, they say I act like I'm 16. I have 5 siblings. I am the first out of 4 girls and third after 2 older brothers. :) I will PROTECT my siblings in any occasion. [Sorry if I'm spelling anything wrong...]

Anyway, I made this page inspired by 7Wonderlicious and Operation Beautiful. :)

I believe that every person [especially children] is uniquely different and special. I believe that every girl on earth is beautiful in their own unique wonderful different.

It's alrightt if boys like pink, so what? We're all different. I don't care if girls like black. So what? We're all different...

The thing is, in most toy stores, most of the girl toys are PINK, dolls and kitchen stuff and most of the boy toys are BLACK and science-y stuff. Why can't it just be MIXED UP? You know? Are we gonna live with that? Let our children and siblings grow with a kind-of rule like that? I mean, what if there's this little boy who loves playing with kitchen stuff and dolls but he CAN'T because all boys have to play with cars and all that. I want to change that to. :) Help me?


Please share and 'like' my page on Facebook! :)



Yours truly,

Ashlee Baritugo.

The head Admins.
The head Admins, Keryna and Hana, help me with my page. Without them, it wouldn't be running so smoothly. :) So, thanks to them, my Facebook page is running smoothly. :)
If you need anyone to talk to, we're always there. Especially me. ;)

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